
Mercury Poisoning Cartoon from 1830's

Mercury Calomel Poisoning Cartoon.jpg

The caption under this cartoon says.

Here I am after a course of mercury, my teeth and gums rather for the worse of it; my hair all gone, and my breath having become most intolerably offensive.

The symbol of Western Healthcare is the symbol of mercury. The historic origins of it are the staff of Hermes, the ancient Greek god of Mercury.

I believe this image is from the Middle Ages.


Mercury Depression

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Depression is mercury poisoning.  It's called Labile emotions, Mania. The Healthcare industry makes their big money, this is pharmaceuticals, treating the symptoms of mercury poisoning.

As the mercury moves around in the body, the person is literally being attacked by a terrorist that jumps out of the closet at random. So what we are doing in group takes away the depression, because it takes away the mystery. The subject, YOU, the human, then recognizes when you are going to have a bad reaction, and this is 90% of the ballgame.

For example, I'm taking a lot of sufur, or I ate garlic. I am having a bad reaction. I have mobilized a lot of mercury. I need to slow down, or flush my liver, or go back down the ladder with the protocol and start all over.

Eli Lilly, the company the invented Thimerosal, the one that puts the mercury in vaccines, their number one selling class of drugs is antidepressants.

Here is a good example of the 3 stages of a pharmakon

1. ZIKA is coming to get you.  Take this poison to protect yourselves.

2. "Doc, I don't feel so good."  Treat only the symptoms of the poisoning.

3. I have chronic Lyme.  My son has autism.  I am in pain all the time.  "We don't know what's wrong with you, go away."  When the person grows too poisoned, the person is shunned, and blamed for his or her own condition.

They have found the perfect solution for the 3rd stage of their poisonings.  They blame it on genetics.

"Mercury is neurotoxic (kills or damages brain and nerve cells); generates high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative stress, depletes gluatathione and thiols—causing increased neurotoxicity from interactions of ROS, glutamate, and dopamine; kills or inhibits production of brain tubulin cells; inhibits production of neurotransmitters by inhibiting calcium-dependent neurotransmitter release, dihydroteridine reductase, nitric oxide synthase; blocks neurotransmitter amino acids; and effects phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan transport to neurons. Toxic metals as well as genetic factors commonly cause systemic methylation deficiencies, which are documented to commonly be a factor in chronic conditions, such as depression, autism, etc."

The degree of calcification, relative to the size of an individual’s pineal gland, has been suggested as a marker of the individual’s decreased capability to produce melatonin.  Calcification of the pineal gland, and thus lack of melatonin, will cause a disruption in circadian rhythm.

It is well known that those with Alzheimers have denuded motor neurons called tangles.

Watch this video to see how mercury wrecks the myelin sheaths of a motor neuron, leaving what are called tangles.

I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to feeling great, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Helping people naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.

Albert Wilking

These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol.   

Poison As Medicine  A first step in understanding Western Healthcare
The Wilking ProtocolWhat to do and how to do it
Are You Mercury Toxic? Please do this exercise
Oh Wicked Mercury!
Epsom Flush Everyone can do this number two solution
Vitamin C or Your Life
Salt Is Life
Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told

Magnesium, Inflammation and Nerves
The Power of Iodine
Celery, Nitrate and the Microbiome
Thiamine Saves

Please purchase your essentials from ‘The Detox Protocols’ web page.

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please take the time to give a donation.

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The Wilking Protocol Support Group

For Albert Wilking’s personal support click
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Riding The Fence

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I am finding the people who do best with The Wilking Protocol basically don't ride the line down the middle of the road between the established healthcare system, and getting proactive and getting it right for themselves.  This can be very difficult to do when there is so much misinformation out there.  For instance,

NO ONE IS ALLERGIC TO IODINE.  THEY WOULD BE DEAD.  Yet we are told it is dangerous.

NO ONE IS ALLERGIC TO SULFUR.  THEY WOULD BE DEAD.  Yet we aren’t told anything about the importance of sulfur to our health.

When we are told we are allergic to SULFA, it is most likely in reference to SULFA MEDICATIONS, and it has nothing, absolutely NOTHING to do with sulfur.  Sulfur is the 8th most common element in your body as it is mine. Sick people are deficient in sulfur. In this group, what we are working on doing for ourselves, is finding the most basic essentials that our body needs, and then getting out of the way and letting our bodies do their jobs.

This isn't to say you might not have a reaction to sulfur if you started taking a bunch of it, because you would have a reaction, and it might be bad.  However, the reason why you would be having a bad reaction will probably have almost nothing to with the truth.

You would most likely be having a reaction because that sulfur might move so much mercury, probably put into you by the Healthcare system (HC Devils), that it could kill you, or at least make you feel terrible. The HC Devils know this, and this is how they make their money. They do not make money by encouraging people to take Epsom salt baths to detox mercury or to eat more SALT and fight infections.

The HC Devils are in the business of treating symptoms, and they do this by conveying half-truths. They use poisons as medicines and then treat the symptoms of their poisonings.

I am not big on testing, I am big on gut health and gut intuition.  I ask how do you feel, not what are your test results?

I ask what are you taking for yourself, not what have you been prescribed?

I ask you to make decisions based on your learning, I don't ask you to blindly follow my lead.

I ask you to proactively chart your own course for the future, not what are the results of your genetic testing.

We are all mutants, and all of us mutants need the essentials to human life, and the more toxic we are the more of these essentials we need to get our body back to balance. This is a Holistic Approach.

I am not treating symptoms. Symptoms are treated by the other guys.

To clarify, it can be very difficult for people to understand this, especially when the HC Devils are prescribing medicaments that are keeping your symptoms at bay, and the longer they have been keeping them at bay for you, the more difficult it may be for you to let go of them.

Most of their medicaments, that is a real term for prescriptions, inhibit your detox of mercury. The HC Devils are not shy about naming their medicines after what they do, and most of them are inhibitors. They inhibit your ability to detoxify yourself. They freeze toxins like mercury in place, and you will not detoxify if you remain on their medicaments, or at least it may be very difficult for you to fully detox.

I want to help you, even if you are not fully committed to my side of the fence. However, I want you to know I'm very aware of people trying to ride the middle of the road.  I NEVER go over to their side.  I never cross that line. Lying between our side and theirs is a dividing line, a barbed wire fence if you will, and I see many people get hung up on that fence.

I want you to know I did NOT put that fence there, the HC Devils put that fence there, and they seemingly move the fence at will, graying out the surrounding area as it catches a lot of prey. It's incredibly profitable for them to do this.  The most profitable industry on Earth is the Healthcare Industry.

I didn't put mercury in you, they did. I suggest you get away from that fence as soon as you can, and stay away from it.

I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to feeling great, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Helping people naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.

Albert Wilking

These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol.   

Poison As Medicine  A first step in understanding Western Healthcare
The Wilking ProtocolWhat to do and how to do it
Are You Mercury Toxic? Please do this exercise
Oh Wicked Mercury!
Epsom Flush Everyone can do this number two solution
Vitamin C or Your Life
Salt Is Life
Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told

Magnesium, Inflammation and Nerves
The Power of Iodine
Celery, Nitrate and the Microbiome
Thiamine Saves

Please purchase your essentials from ‘The Detox Protocols’ web page.

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please take the time to give a donation.

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For Albert Wilking’s personal support click
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Mercury Ping Pong

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For those that are mercury toxic, or have an ailment caused by mercury, for every action you take, you will have a reaction to it, and the reactions will be compounded, and they can be severe.

Mercury is not a solid element like a piece of corn, that you swallow and it comes out the other end. Mercury does not just ride through the intestines or cardiovascular system, nor does it go into a cell and sit there.

Mercury is extremely dangerous. The reason a school is closed when a mercury thermometer breaks is the mercury goes all over the walls, the ceiling, and will float around in the air. However, it's not natural for it to be in an unbound state. It's naturally bound to sulfur.  When a human enters that space, and we are loaded with sulfur, the mercury will come off the walls and through the air to bind with the sulfur in our bodies. It enters our bodies through our skin, through our ears, eyes, nose, and lungs. When it hits the cardiovascular system, it can give us a heart attack or aneurysm.

My point here is that the mercury inside our bodies isn't a fixed/stable thing. It will move from our ligaments and connective tissue, right through our organs, through our intestinal walls to bind with newly consumed sulfur, or any thing else it chooses to bind with. This is not something we have control over.

Mercury will stay bound with this sulfur for a limited time. It may ride with the bile up into our livers, it may bind with the sulfur in our gut lining, and put holes into our intestinal tight protective webbing, leaking from our gut, large gluten and casomorphin peptides.  It may accumulate in our pancreas, causing diabetes as we are unable to make disulfide bonds as that's what makes insulin. It may give us an appendicitis, or gallstones. It may sink down into our legs and joints and knees and feet, giving us rheumatoid arthritis and other deteriorating joint issues, athlete foot fungus, yellowing toes, skin problems and achy bones. Mercury does what it wants.

The body reacts to the damaging mercury, and attempts to sequester it by pushing up the blood pressure to force it out of the cardio system, or by making cholesterol, fat cells, and tumors, or it is methylated by anaerobic pathogens like mycoplasma, Lyme, pylori, candida, etc.

If you disturb this mercury, by either ingesting sulfur, killing pathogens, losing weight, going on a not fat diet, or removing tumors that act as storage sites for mercury, you will have reactions, and in some cases they will be severe.

The key is to get all of the essentials raised in a controlled fashion, learn what is happening in our body, and adjust as necessary.  Mercury poisons on the way in, and it poisons on the way out. The main detoxifier for mercury is sulfur. However, keep in mind, move too much too fast and there will be a price to pay.

Your body can only handle a certain amount of detox through your detox channels at this time. Let's treat it as a fixed number and say you can only handle 10 micrograms of mercury a day at this time, without having a bad reaction.

By taking an essential like Epsom, and flushing, your regular detox channels will start to open up and be able to handle more detox. What you may be doing, by taking small amounts of Epsom is moving large amounts of toxins, but with nowhere for them to go. For example, if you move 100 mcg of Mercury, but you can only handle 10mcg, what happens? You get mercury redistribution, because that 90mcg has nowhere 'safe' to go, and you doing want it being stuffed into an organ where it doesn't belong. If it goes to the kidneys because the liver can't handle anymore, (and the kidneys are a terrible place to send mercury,) your stress levels may go through the roof.  The adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys. Up go the cortisol levels, and your endocrine system goes out of whack.

I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to feeling great, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Helping people naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.

Albert Wilking

These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol.   

Poison As Medicine  A first step in understanding Western Healthcare
The Wilking ProtocolWhat to do and how to do it
Are You Mercury Toxic? Please do this exercise
Oh Wicked Mercury!
Epsom Flush Everyone can do this number two solution
Vitamin C or Your Life
Salt Is Life
Potassium - Let The Truth Be Told

Magnesium, Inflammation and Nerves
The Power of Iodine
Celery, Nitrate and the Microbiome
Thiamine Saves

Please purchase your essentials from ‘The Detox Protocols’ web page.

If you have found my work helpful,
please take the time to give a donation.

If you found this page informative,

please take the time to leave a comment
in the Comments section.

Here is the The Wilking Protocol Facebook support group.
The Wilking Protocol Support Group

For Albert Wilking’s personal support click
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Understanding Lead Poisoning

The illustration for an ad in the November 1923 National Geographic, one of a series by the National Lead Company.

The illustration for an ad in the November 1923 National Geographic, one of a series by the National Lead Company.

Understanding Lead Poisoning
The current lead poisoning crisis in the Newark public schools, and in Flint, Michigan, proves that we must take responsibility for the welfare of ourselves, our communities, and our families and children.  We can no longer depend upon outside concerns to monitor our well-being.

Mercury 101 explains the sources, science, symptoms, and solutions to heavy metal poisonings in an easy to understand, educational, and fun format.  Mercury 101 only shares knowledge; it does not sell anything and is done as a community service.

The illustration for an ad in the November 1923 National Geographic, one of a series by the National Lead Company.

The illustration for an ad in the November 1923 National Geographic, one of a series by the National Lead Company.

Living beings are dependent upon air, food, and water for their survival.  Metal toxins poison living creatures, especially those with highly evolved nervous systems, and brains, like our own.  We must treat anything interfering with our healthy use of needed life-giving elements as an assault upon life itself.

If our immune systems have been compromised from the lead in our water, and food, additional toxins will only make our immune systems weaker.  Proper testing for toxic metal poisons is of the utmost importance.  Simple blood tests will only reveal acute poisonings; they are inadequate for determining long-term chronic poisonings.

Mercury 101 explains in detail how to recognize toxic metal poisoning in humans, and how lead and other toxins naturally leave the body.  For example, some foods will help excrete toxins, while others will only redistribute them, potentially compromising a person’s health.

Until 1941, Newark hat factories used mercury nitrate in felting hats.  66% of industry deaths were men under the age of 30.  Mercury will remain in the environment until remediated; it does not degrade.

Epigenetic effects of lead upon mother and unborn child can harm the grandchildren of future generations!

Laws will not be enacted that completely protect us from toxic poisonings until people demand it, and they will not demand it until they fully understand it.

Our communities, our culture, our society, and the next generation of our young people depend upon our actions.  DO NOT LET APATHY RULE. 

Acute vs Chronic Mercury Poisoning — Mercury Free Kids
Fancy Pants Diseases and Mercury — Mercury Free Kids
Poison as Medicine — Mercury Free Kids
TOXIC TYLENOL — Mercury Free Kids

If you have found this page helpful,
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and reviews in the Comments section
at the bottom of this page.

I recommend products that are natural to our well-being, and only ones that can be found in the grocery or health food store.  Everything I recommend I do myself.  Everything I do is on my website, and everyone can use my site to get back to good health, naturally.  However, some people can be very deep in the woods, allergic to just about everything, while suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Many times their intestines are a wreck, and their body is putting on weight to protect itself from toxins.  Getting people back to a state of well being, naturally, takes time, patience, attention to detail, and experience.
Albert Wilking is a Health Coach and Teacher. 


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These links contain the basics of The Wilking Protocol. 


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