The unchecked poisoning of the human race must be stopped! & Walgreens has threatened to vaccinate Nevada University Students with known neurotoxins this coming SATURDAY(click for news article) January 2nd, 2016, without first checking recipients for heavy metal poisoning.
I sent the the following to their twitter account @ImmunizeNevada
NO one should administer vaccines containing known neurotoxins without first checking recipients for heavy metal poisoning!
On their Facebook Account I posted and messaged them the following:
LEGAL NOTICE - DO NOT administer a vaccine without first checking recipients for heavy metal poisoning!
Be hereby notified that reasonable care requires that anyone administering, distributing, promoting, or selling a product containing known neurotoxins must first evaluate recipients for current state(s) of physical toxicity, and/or test any and all recipients(s) of these products for allergies to known neurotoxins.
Products may include but are not limited to the following: Dental amalgams, implants of any kind, antiseptics, topical antiseptics, and vaccines.
Anyone who consciously and voluntarily disregards this testing prior to administering, distributing, promoting, or selling such a product is committing gross negligence.
NO one should administer vaccines containing known neurotoxins without first checking recipients for heavy metal poisoning!
I also sent the above to their email account at
Please do you part to stop the poisoning of the human race. Warn to NOT administer vaccines without first testing for heavy metal toxicity.